After so many years of waiting, Telegram has finally launched a video calling feature which is now available for the general public. This feature was released as part of activities to mark Telegram’s 7th anniversary.
This feature will come in handy to help users connect more face to face as the world today goes virtual due to the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Telegram’s latest version 7.0.0 brings the most wanted video call feature along with new animated emoji. This version is now available on Playstore for everyone. Just like other apps with this feature, the new Telegram video call feature is protected with end-to-end encryption, with the security confirmed by matching emojis shown on-screen on both ends of the line.
To access the new video call feature on Telegram is very simple. Kindly go to the contact’s profile page and tap on the new Call button to start a Voice/Video call.
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The interface has been redesigned now, with ability to switch between voice and video call. To start a video call, you can simply just tap on the video icon to switch from Voice to Video call.
It’s also worth knowing that this feature supports PIP (Picture in Picture) mode which will let you do other stuffs while the video call is going on without pausing or quiting the video call.
Like earlier stated, the video call will be encrypted end to end, using the same encryption as Secret Chats and Voice Calls. Support for group video call will be added sooner or later.
Telegram added a fun way to verify encryption – simply compare the 4 emoji shown on the top of the video call with your friend. If it is the same, you can be assured that the call is encrypted.
Nice one
WOW, So great